Wednesday 28 September 2011

#NWTElec17 Yellowknife Chamber "...candidates being rowdy crowds...instances of spitting on candidates..."

Yellowknife Chamber "...candidates being rowdy crowds...instances of spitting on candidates..."

Recently arrived in my inbox..... see highlighted paragraphs ...
I've recorded two of the forums... and saw / heard nothing like what is mentioned...

See recordings at

To:  22 candidates in the NWT Election
CC: 22 other non-candidates
Subject: RE: Yellowknife Candidates Forum
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 2011 19:01:28 -0600

Hi folks,
The forum is tomorrow evening at 6 PM (start time) at the Great Hall of the Legislative Assembly.  Joslyn from CBC is our moderator for the evening.  We have attached some sample questions that will be asked throughout the evening.  The moderator will explain the process, based on our time limits, as to how we will present the questions but everyone will get a fair shake at being heard.
After housekeeping items are discussed she will give each candidate a 30 second speech for opening remarks and the time keeper will flag you down if you speak too long.  Time limits of 1 minute per question are being imposed due to the high number of candidates we have confirmed for the event.
The questions will be introduced based on riding draws so that you will not be required to answer every single question but you should be prepared for the questions in advance that you may be asked.
The second half is open microphone.  Sound is being run through Pido so we will have good systems and back up to ensure you can be heard.  More questions may be asked by the moderator if there is sufficient time or some may be excluded if we run out of time.
Everyone has to be off site by 9:30 so we will try and wrap it up by 9 PM to accommodate the staff at the Legislature.
We do encourage great debate and differences of opinions and ideas but we will quickly put a stop to personal attacks on candidates outside the acceptable realm of the campaign as we have heard there were several instances of candidates being abused at other forums by rowdy crowds who disagreed with their policies or positions.  Any repeat instances of spitting on candidates or other abuse and the perpetrators will be escorted off the premises by Legislature security and possibly charged.
The YK Chamber of Commerce, NWT Chamber of Commerce, Northern Aboriginal Business Association, and Chamber of Mines thank you for your participation in this event and wish you all the best of luck tomorrow evening.  Please call our office at 920-4944 if you need further information.
D. Tim Doyle, CFP, FMA
Executive Director
Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce

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