Saturday 16 April 2011

The Francophone Voters of the #NWT #elxn41 #cdnpoli

In the 2006 census out of the NWT's population of 41,464 and from the 40,680 reporting their mother tongue 975 or  2.4% said it was French in forth place after English, Dogrib (Tłı̨chǫ) and South Slavey.

And of course, it it had not been for "les voyageurs" paddling the canoes in for the explorers and out with the furs for the Hudsons Bay Company, there might never have been a Northwest Territories.

Léo-Paul Provencher interim Director General of the Fédération Franco-Ténoise speaks to us about the current federal election, the issues important to francophones in the NWT and suggests some question and topics that francophone voters should ask and discuss with the candidates.

Because there are no nationally connected French speaking journalists based in the Northwest Territories (not even one from Radio-Canada) although with some English, the majority of this report is in French.

Léo-Paul Provencher, Directeur général par Intérim
Fédération Franco-Ténoise
5016, 48e rue
Case postale 1325,
Yellowknife (Territoires du Nord-Ouest)  X1A 2N9
Téléphone : (867) 920-2919
Télécopieur : (867) 873-2158

Promouvoir, encourager et défendre la vie culturelle, politique, économique, sociale et communautaire canadienne-française aux TNO afin d'accroitre la vitalité des communautés francophones des Territoires du Nord-Ouest. Pour ce faire, la FFT assure la représentation politique, la concertation, la promotion et l'appui au développement de ces communautés, en collaboration avec ses membres et partenaires.

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